Novels vs Novellas And Why I Do Both


Adult romance is such a big, wide-open category.

You have everything from love stories with a steamy scene here and there to pounding, throbbing naked multi-player action that may or may not include fantastical beasts and battlefield implements.

Me, I write all kinds of stuff. I even have another pen name that I use for the more G and PG rated things like my YA fiction. And when it comes to steam, I’ve made no secret that I think story trumps sex anytime. That being said, sometimes you just want a good, dirty read and you don’t necessarily need the romance. That’s why I write both novels and novellas.

My novels tend to focus on story and characters, and my characters happen to be healthy, lusty people who get attracted to other people and follow that to a natural and throughly enjoyable conclusion, when appropriate within the story. The also fall in love along the way – sometimes before the steam, sometimes after. But there’s a relationship built and world built and some intrigue or mystery that moves the plot along and moves them toward each other. Repeatedly. And in various positions.

Novellas, being much shorter in length, call for you to get right down to business. It’s awfully hard to get people to meet, get naked, and fall in love in less than 10,000 words – believably, anyway. So love goes on the backburner and lust rules the day and that gives me carte blanche to write out all the dirty fantasies I’d be way too chicken shit to try in real life, most likely.

And right now, I have two such stories warring for space in my head, so I think I’ll write them both out and let them take me for a ride. Figuratively speaking. The forecast this weekend is for heat – so look for a couple of new novellas, breaking in the month of June!  And don’t forget – Sky Woman goes on sale every Friday in June at the amazing price of…FREE on Amazon for Kindle. Grab it and enjoy!


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